Thursday, March 19, 2020

Truth or Fiction 11 Biggest Fears About College

Truth or Fiction 11 Biggest Fears About College There’s really no fiction involved when it comes to the legitimate fears that current and aspiring students experience about college. In this article we’re going to get to the truth behind the 11 most common college fears so that you can rest easy and make an informed decision. Sound like a plan? We thought so. Let’s do this. 1. â€Å"I Don’t Know What I Want to Be!† This is by far the most common. Students have no clue what they’ll be doing four, five or six years down the road. They have no clue where the economy will be. The speed of technological innovation is compounding uncertainty like nothing else. What major should they choose? Is it good enough? How will it impact their career? Wait†¦career?! Relax. You don’t have to make a decision from the get-go and many of those who do end up changing their minds anyway. A very tiny percentage of people know what they’re destined to be. That’s a fact. For the first year just get the basic core classes out of the way and while you’re at it do some dabbling (if you can afford it or don’t mind extra debt). Or, you could just hold back from going to college for a little while until you have a better idea. 2. â€Å"I Won’t Know Like Anybody† Social anxiety and fear of not being accepted is common. It follows us everywhere in life beginning in grade school all the way through adulthood. When you step back and look at another way, it looks like this, â€Å"I Won’t Know Freaking Anybody!† That’s right, it’s a chance for a fresh start which is always cool. You’re going to be in college so meeting people is going to happen whether you want it to or not. It’s par for the course so to speak. You’ll meet people. You’ll make friends. You’ll get into relationships. You know†¦life. 3. â€Å"OMG, This is Expensive!† True. Whether you’re paying it with cash upfront (who does that?) or by using a mixture of loans, grants and scholarships. The cost of higher education is inflated by leaps and bounds, over 130% in the last 30 years alone. If you’re worried by how expensive it is, GOOD! Then this should help you fail less classes, take the ones you need as a junior and senior, and make smarter decisions. 4. â€Å"Am I really Ready for This?† The balancing act of priorities during college is meant to prepare you for what it’s like in the â€Å"real world.† So at the end of the day you can’t escape it. Part of growing up is taking on more responsibility and if you’re going to live within society you really can’t go away scot free. Don’t worry, juggling a job, classes and friends is actually an amazing experience. It really is. You’re so productive! You’re in school bettering yourself. You’ve got a social life happening. And, you’re working part/full time so there’s some extra cash laying around. It’s awesome. You’re as ready as you choose to be. No more, no less. 5. â€Å"What if My Roommate Totally Sucks?† You can get a new one. 6. â€Å"What If I Can’t Hack the Classes?† There’s no class you cannot pass. That’s the flat out truth. I don’t care if we’re talking quantum mechanics, organic chemistry or some sort of advanced theoretical astrophysics. If you truly dedicate your mind to passing that class it will happen. Yes, your IQ does determine things to a certain degree. More categorically than anything else. But, we’re all aware of how powerful the human spirit is as well. Don’t fear classes. Don’t fear intellectual challenge. Yes, you can do it. The real question is, â€Å"Do I have the passion it’s going to take to succeed in this major?† 7. â€Å"I’m All On My Own.† No you’re not. Not by a long shot bub. 8. â€Å"I Don’t Want to Get Fat!† Getting fat, or being obese isn’t technically a good thing regardless of where you happen to be. That’s life. If you’re worried, make sure to exercise and eat smart (yep, big shocker). 9. â€Å"What if I Lose Touch with Home?† If you’re going to school on the other side of the country or perhaps in the other hemisphere, you’ve got modern technology to keep you connected. It’s not as good as in-person, but it’s working wonders for the human species. Try it! 10. â€Å"What if I Pick the Wrong University?† Hmm. Yeah about that. In all honesty, focus more on the quality of your education rather than the educational institutions themselves. For the lion’s share of us, our potential employers only care about the knowledge and what results we can bring about. If it’s a reputable college you’re going to be fine. Now, if it’s just the flat out wrong university altogether, then don’t stick around for two years before working up the nerve to bug out. If it’s just purely not a good place for you, leave immediately and fine a better school for you. 11. â€Å"What If My Dream School is a Nightmare?† See #10 pretty much, but this does happen. What you thought was the best school ever for your particular goals ends up being a nightmare. Bail! Does that pretty much cover it or are there some fears you have/had about college that we missed? Let us know!

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Finding Trustworthy Sources

Finding Trustworthy Sources Any time you are asked to write a research paper, your teacher will require a certain amount of credible sources. A credible source means any book, article, image, or other item  that accurately and factually supports the argument of your research paper. It is important to use these kinds of sources in order to convince your audience that you have put in the time and effort to really learn and understand your topic, so they can trust what you say.   Why Be Skeptical of Internet Sources? The internet is full of information. Unfortunately, it is not always useful or accurate information, which means some sites are very bad sources. You have to be very careful about the information you use when making your case. Writing a political science paper and citing The Onion, a satirical site,  would not get you a very good grade, for example. Sometimes you may find a blog post or news article that says exactly what you need to support a thesis, but the information is only good if it comes from a trusted, professional source.   Keep in mind that anyone can post information on the web. Wikipedia is a prime example. Although it may sound really professional, anyone can edit the information. However, it can be helpful in that it often lists its own bibliography and sources. Many of the sources referenced in the article come from scholarly journals or texts. You can use these to find real sources that your teacher will accept. Types of Research Sources The best sources come from books and peer reviewed journals and articles. Books that you find in your library or bookstore are good sources because they have usually already gone through the vetting process. Biographies, text books, and academic journals are all safe bets when researching your topic. You can even find a lot of books digitally online.   Articles can be a little trickier to discern. Your teacher will probably tell you to use peer reviewed articles. A peer reviewed article is one that has been reviewed by experts in the field or subject the article is about. They check to make sure that the author has presented accurate and quality information. The easiest way to find these types of articles is to identify and utilize academic journals.   Academic journals are great because their purpose is to educate and enlighten, not make money. The articles are almost always peer-reviewed. A peer-reviewed article is kind of like what your teacher does when he or she grades your paper. Authors submit their work and a board of experts review their writing and research to determine whether or not it is accurate and informative.   How to Identify a Credible Source If you want to use a website, make sure it is up to date with an easily identifiable author. Websites that end in .edu or .gov are usually pretty trustworthy.  Make sure the information is the most recent information available. You may find a good article from the 1950’s, but there are probably more contemporary articles that either expand upon or even discredit research that old.  Familiarize yourself with the author. If they are an expert in their field, it should be easy to find information on their education and determine their role in the field of study they are writing about. Sometimes you start seeing the same names pop up on various articles or books.  Ã‚   Things to Avoid Social media. This can be anything from Facebook to blogs. You might find a news article shared by one of your friends and think it is credible, but chances are it is not.  Using material that is out of date. You don’t want to base an argument around information that has been debunked or is considered incomplete.Using a second hand quote. If you find a quote in a book, be sure to cite the original author and source and not the author using the quote.  Using any information that has obvious bias. Some journals publish for profit or has their research funded by a group with special interest in finding certain results. These can look really trustworthy, so be sure to understand where your information is coming from. Students often struggle with how to use their sources, especially if the  teacher requires several. When you start writing, you may think you know everything you want to say. So how do you incorporate outside sources? The first step is to do a lot of research! A lot of times, the things you find may change or refine your thesis. It can even help you if you have a general idea, but need help focusing on a strong argument. Once you have a well-defined and thoroughly researched thesis topic, you should identify the information that will support the claims you make in your paper. Depending on the subject, this could include: graphs, statistics, images, quotes, or just references to information you’ve gathered in your studies.   Another important part of using the material you have gathered is citing the source. This can mean including the author and/or source within the paper as well as listed within a bibliography. You never want to make the mistake of plagiarism, which can happen accidentally if you don’t cite your sources properly!   If you need help understanding the different ways to site information, or how to build your bibliography, the Owl Perdue Online Writing Lab can be a huge help. Within the site you will find the rules for properly citing different kinds of material, formatting quotes, sample bibliographies, just about anything you need when it comes to figuring out how to write and properly structure your paper.   Tips on How to Find Sources Start at your school or local library. These institutions are designed to help you find everything you need. If you can’t find what you need in your local library, many work as a system that allows you to look for a specific book and have it delivered to your library.  Once you find a few sources you like, check their sources! This is where bibliographies come in handy. Most of the sources you will use will have sources of their own. In addition to finding more information, you will become familiar with the leading experts in your subject.  Scholarly databases are a huge help in researching a paper. They cover a broad range of subjects from writers of all disciplines.Ask your teacher for help. If your teacher has assigned a paper, chances are they know a little bit about the material. There is a lot of information available to you through books and the internet. Sometimes it may seem overwhelming and you just don’t know where to start. Your teacher can help get you started and tell you the best places to look based on your subject. Places to Start Looking JSTORMicrosoft Academic SearchGoogle ScholarRefseekEBSCOScience.govNational Science Digital LibraryERICGENISISGoPubMedIndex CopernicusPhilPapersProject MuseQuestia